• info@klinikcipanas.com
  • 085315181800

dr. Helida Amalia Putri

Dokter Umum
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (2013-2018)

Seminar dan Workshop
  • Pelatihan “ Advance Circumcision Course” Batch IX , 2022
  • Pelatihan Pengenalan Dasar Ultrasonografi Obstetri, 2022
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support, IHA-PERKI, 2020
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support, NHCPS-The Postgraduate Institute For Medicine, 2020
  • Basic Life Support , NHCPS-The Postgraduate Intitute For Medicine, 2020
  • Covid 19 Update: Skin Manifestation & Suplementation During Pandemic, D2D, 2020
  • Salesma atau Common Cold, Jurnal Kedokteran Medika, 2020
  • Stunting : Diagnosa dan Tatalaksana, Jurnal Kedokteran Medika, 2020
  • Kesehatan Mental di Tengah Pandemik Covid-19 Untuk Layanan Primer,ALOMEDIKA, 2020
  • Recommendation On Inflammantory Pain Practice and Headche Medication during the Covid 19, Pandemic D2D, 2020
  • Hypertention, Heart Disease and Covid 19, InaSH, 2020
  • Manajemen Perioperatif Pasien Covid 19, D2D, 2020
  • How to Determine Severity of Pneumonia In Covid 19, ALOMEDIKA, 2020
  • Sistem Rujukan Covid 19, Dari Layanan Primer , ALOMEDIKA, 2020
  • CABIN FEVER PHENEMENON, Parameter, 2020
  • Excellent Nutrition & Lifstyle During Pandemi Covid-19, 2020
  • ACLS, IHA, PERKI, 2020
  • ACLS, NHCPS, 2020
  • Pelatihan USG 2022
  • Pelatihan ACC (Advance Circumcision Course), 2022
  • Seminar Kegawatdaruratan Bedah Untuk Dokter Umu, 2022
  • Tatalaksana Kasus Klinis Kegawatdaruratan Dalam Praktik Dokter Umum, 2023

Pagi : Pukul 07.00 - 12.00Sore : Pukul 15.00 - 20.00Pagi : 07.00 – 12.00
Sore : 15.00 – 20.00